Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dave Tosch: A legacy of leadership and community at the Wenatchee Valley Senior Activity Center


WENATCHEE—Dave Tosch, the admired Executive Director of the Wenatchee Valley Senior Activity Center, recently announced his retirement, set for June. This will mark the close of a distinguished chapter in both his life and the center's history. His tenure, which began in 2013 after he emerged from retirement, has been characterized by an unwavering commitment to the community and hands-on leadership.

Born and raised in Cashmere, Tosch's roots in the Wenatchee Valley run deep. His early years, marked by a graduation from Cashmere High School in 1970 and a football career at Eastern Washington University, led him down a path of service. "There were no scholarships for football back then," Tosch recalls, a statement that underscores the humble beginnings of his journey. His decision to accept an ROTC scholarship paved the way for a 20-year career in the Army, an experience that imbued him with invaluable skills and discipline.

Yet, his enduring connection to the Wenatchee Valley ultimately guided him back home, a sentiment he expressed poignantly: "This is my home. I knew that I would get back here eventually." His return was serendipitously tied to a high school reunion, where he met his future wife, Louanne Repass. "We got to talking and we found we were both single and, you know, started dating shortly after that and got married 12 years ago," Tosch shared, revealing the personal chapters that led him back to his roots.

The decision to lead the Wenatchee Valley Senior Activity Center was more than a career move for Tosch; it was a return to community and a rekindling of long-standing connections. "This isn't necessarily just a job for me. This has been a reacquainting of the people, the families that I knew growing up," he reflected, highlighting the personal significance of his role. Tosch's leadership style is deeply influenced by his experiences, emphasizing approachability and active listening over a rigid, military-style governance. "I made sure that... the board understood that I was not going to come in here and run this place like a military organization. I don't think that would work at all," Tosch stated, articulating his vision for a community-centered organization.

The community lunch program stands out among the aspects of his job that he cherishes most. "This is my family. The senior center is my family," Tosch said, underscoring the deep bonds formed over meals and shared experiences.

As he looks towards retirement, Tosch envisions a future that keeps him connected to the Wenatchee Valley and the Senior Activity Center, albeit in a different capacity. He and Louanne plan to spend winters in Arizona but remain deeply embedded in the community they love. The transition ahead for the senior center is one Tosch views with optimism, recognizing the need for new ideas and energy while advocating for continuity and respect for the organization's legacy. "I am replaceable. I can be replaced by someone who has different views and thoughts and priorities. What I can say is that we need a new energy. We need new ideas," he remarked, welcoming the prospect of change.

Dave Tosch's tenure as Executive Director has been a period of growth, connection, and community service, leaving an indelible mark on the Wenatchee Valley Senior Activity Center. His dedication to "doing the right things" for the community is a testament to his leadership and vision, setting a high bar for his successor and the center's future direction. As the search for a new executive director begins, the community and the center reflect on the legacy of a leader who has made a difference.


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